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Abaixo são apresentados todos os produtos comercializados pela REGMED.

Air operated cutter quickly prepares test samples of tissue paper, plastics, fabrics, rubber, heavy papers, cardboard and foils.
The slosh box apparatus is designed especially to proceed with disintegration tests as per EDANA FG502 guidelines, providing mechanical agitation in water or wastewater.
Accurate measurement of ink, dirt, shives and stickies SIMPALAB is a laboratory sensor dedicated to an accurate dirt counting on: – a sheet of paper (by reflected light) – a handsheet (by reflected or transmitted light)
The Simpatic 2IP is the perfect tool for online particle detection, is simple to install, easy to use and perfectly representative of the process contamination.
For continuous on-line monitoring of pulp, providing quick, depenable and repeatable data feedback in a cost effective way to meet the ever increasing demands in pulp production and use.
lab Mottling is a laboratory sensor which allows you to accurately evaluate: – the quality of offset impression, mottling, and the quality and precision of the coating application, – the roughness of the surface of paper, board or other flat material.
MorFi is a powerful research and quality control tool designed to perform a complete morphological characterisation of the entire fibrous population. The analysis is done on a fiber network, allowing that the measurement occurs in the fibers’natural unrestrained environment
A powerful, and efficient solution for fiber morphology measurement. MorFi Neo is equiped with the latest camera technology, and utilizing an enhanced resolution for the best image treatment. It is designed for day to day production control, routine laboratory tests, and also for R&D purposes. With the new resolution, we are able to measure the […]
The FRET is specifically designed for investigative testing of additive influences on pulp quality. The FRET retention tester) is an ideal and unique tool for controlling and setting up new chemicals, testing new wires, identifying additive problems and developing new paper products.

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