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Papelão Ondulado

Abaixo são apresentados todos os produtos comercializados pela REGMED.

Equipamento usado para determinação rápida do teor de cinzas (carga mineral) de papel e cartão por queima a 900ºC.
Equipamento usado para avaliação da resistência à compressão de papéis e cartões (papel capa e papel miolo) destinados à fabricação de papelão ondulado Ensaio de acordo com ABNT NBR ISO 9895.
O viscosímetro de efluxo tipo Stein Hall usado no controle de viscosidade cinemática de colas a base de amido, usadas na produção de papelão ondulado.
Equipamento usado para a preparação em laboratório de corpos de prova ondulados para ensaio de CMT e CCT.
The VantageNX Universal Testing Machine is a powerful tool that can be equipped to meet a variety of materials testing needs.  Many fixtures and grips are available for tensile testing, COF and other tests for the plastic film, flexible packaging, food packaging, paper, paperboard, tissue paper, textiles testing, and many other industries.  This universal materials […]
The ProGage utilizes the most advanced technology to quickly and accurately measure the thickness of sheeted materials such as paper, plastic film, tissue and toweling, nonwovens, and textiles.
The 1270 PCA measures the force to open or bend paperboard and scored paper carton.
This Coefficient of Friction Tester (COF) / Peel Tester can measure static and kinetic coefficient of friction as well as run seal strength tests, 180° peel, 90° peel, and T-peel tests.  The FP-2260 also offers a tensile test mode to perform lightweight tensile tests up to 10 kg (22 lbf). Its small bench top design […]
The EZ-Cup Vapometer consists of a light weight aluminum cup and an aluminum threaded flanged ring with two neoprene gaskets with a Teflon seal that hold the specimen in place.  Designed to measure the water vapor permeability of materials including nonwovens and a variety of plastic films.

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